1.sanity(noun): soundness of judgment.
Synonyms: common sense,normality
Antonyms: ignorance,inability
Example Sentence: There is only one sanity in all the world,and that is to be artistically insane.
2.sate(verb): to fill to excess; surfeit; glut.
Synonyms: gratify,satiate
Antonyms: abstain,diet
Example Sentence: I sate by him about twenty minutes, andwas then ordered away.
3.thrill(verb): to affect with a sudden wave of keen emotion
Synonyms: adventure,fun
Antonyms: sadness,calm
Example Sentence: There is a thrill of enthusiasm in thesense of moving with a great number.
4.tidal(adjective): of, pertaining to, characterized by
Synonyms: falling,rolling
Antonyms: empty,needy
Example Sentence: Hence, also, rise and fall appertain to thetide, while flood and ebb refer to thetidal current.
5.tilt(adjective): to cause to lean, incline, slope,
Synonyms: angle,inclination
Antonyms: ascent,increase
Example Sentence: The workmen now tilt it and drop inwhatever carbon is needed.