Synonyms: embarrassing, disgraceful
Antonyms: respectable, honorable
Example Sentence:
The family was very embarrassed about their son’s ignominious behavior at the gathering.
Synonyms: esteemed, eminent
Antonyms: insignificant, unimportant
Example Sentence:
Number of illustrious players have lead this team.
3. IMPORTUNE (VERB): insist
Synonyms: demand, beseech
Antonym: dissuade, prevent
Example Sentence:
The players were importuned by the coach to run another mile.
4. IMPUDENT (ADJECTIVE): shameless
Synonyms: brazen, audacious
Antonyms: humble, polite
Example Sentence:
The impudent student had the nerve to counter the principal’s order.
5. BAWDY(ADJECTIVE): indecent
Synonyms: vulgar, obscene
Antonyms: decent, moral
Example Sentence:
Jenna never allowed her children to listen to music with bawdy lyrics
6. DELECTABLE(ADJECTIVE): tasting delicious
Synonyms: palatable, enjoyable
Antonym: unsavory, distasteful
Example Sentence:
Jordan could not choose his entrée as everything on the menu sounded delectable.
7. VILE (ADJECTIVE): of low morals
Synonyms: despicable, offensive
Antonyms: honorable, pleasant
Example Sentence:
The vile reporters had the nerve to question the soldier’s grieving widow on her husband’s funeral.
8. QUAKE (NOUN): shake
Synonyms: tremble, tremor
Antonyms: stable, fixed
Example Sentence:
The Earth quake destroyed the whole colony.
9. SCUTTLE (VERB): subvert
Synonyms: sink, abandon
Antonyms: abet, aid
Example Sentence:
The boy wandered across the scuttle street.
10. SUAVE (ADJECTIVE): smooth
Synonyms: gracious, affable
Antonyms: unpolished, unfriendly
Example Sentence:
His suave talk is very convincing.