1. Abstemious
Meaning: indulging only very moderately in something, especially food and drink
Synonym: temperate, moderate
Antonym: self-indulgent, intemperate
Example Sentence: We only had a bottle.’ ‘Very abstemious of you.
2. Befog (Verb)
Meaning: to make confused
Synonyms: dazzle, daze
Antonyms: clarify, cleanse
Example Sentence: My brain was befogged by the lack of sleep.
Meaning: a destructive fire
Synonyms: blaze, bonfire
Antonyms: Holocaust, wildfire
Example Sentence: These were all destroyed, in awful scenes of conflagration and massacre.
4.Museum (Noun)
Meaning: a building
Synonyms: Foundation, gallery
Antonyms: registry, repository
Example Sentence: No one but Achang had ever seen such a serpent, even in a museum.
5.Titular (Adjective)
Meaning: holding or constituting a purely formal position or title without any real authority.
synonyms: nominal, formal, official
Example Sentence: President Pranab Mukherjee’s term ends soon. Given that the President has only a formal, titular role, is it better to look for a candidate outside the realm of active politics? Is opening up the position for writers, artists, public intellectuals and so on more desirable?