1.laughter(noun): the action
Synonyms: amusement,chuckle
Antonyms: sadness,unhappiness
Example Sentence: There was laughter and applause andnot a soul offered to leave.
2.lacuna(noun): a gap.
Synonyms: break,cavity
Antonyms: closure,continuation
Example Sentence: The record of the first appears likely tobe lost in the lacuna of 934 AH.
3.macro(adjective): very large in scale
Synonyms: big,large
Antonyms: micro,small
Example Sentence: Macro died 2nd Feb. 1767, and wasburied at Norton, near Bury.
4.vend(verb): to sell as one’s business
Synonyms: barter,hawk
Antonyms: buy
Example Sentence: A patent is granted for the right to make,to use and to vend.
5.vein(verb): one of the system of branching vessels
Synonyms: attitude,bent
Antonyms: blandness,dullness
Example Sentence: The vein was porous and water wasconstantly trickling out of it.