1. Antipathy(Noun): strong or deep-rooted dislike, aversion
Synonyms-abhorrence, animosity
Example Sentence: His professional judgment was colored by his personal antipathies.
2. Appalling(Adjective): shockingly bad
Synonyms-astounding, awful
Example Sentence: We were appalled by the jury’s verdict in favour of the accused.
3. Baleful(Adjective): threatening evil, harmful
Synonyms-noxious, sinister,
Example Sentence: He disappeared into the night with a red nose and a baleful look.
4. Belittle(Verb): to speak of in a depreciatory or contemptuous way
Synonyms-disparage, criticize
Example Sentence: She left her husband constantly belittled her achievements.
5. Bigotry(Noun): intolerance, prejudice
Synonyms-dogmatism, narrow-indedness
Example Sentence: He deplored religious bigotry.