Directions(Q.1-5): Study the following information to answer the given questions.
In a certain code language, ‘growth of Indian economy’ is written as ‘ga mo ti su’, ‘heavy trade growth
depends on’ is written as ‘ki zo mo ye na’, ‘economy trade this year’ is written as ‘zo ra ti da’ and ‘this condition of depends’ is written s ‘da ga nic ki’?
1.What is the code for ‘on’? (5)
1) ye 2) na 3) zo 4) Either na or zo 5) Eithe ye or na
2.What does ‘su’ stand for ? (4)
1) economy 2) growth 3) of 4) Indian 5) None of these
3.What is the code for ‘year growth condition’? (2)
1) nie ye ti 2) mo ra nic 3) rag a mo 4) da ra nic 5) None of these
4.Which of the following does ‘ki ti na’ sand for? (5)
1) depends of growth 2) heavy growth depends 3) economy depends heavy
4) economy depends on 5) Either 3) or 4)
5.Which of the following may represent ‘record rate of growth’? (2)
1) ga zo ti da 2) gab a mo nee 3) gab a nic ki
4) mo ba ti ra 5) None of these