Directions (1-2): First 12 even numbers are written from top to bottom. The letters of word ‘SACRED’ are written in alphabetical order against each multiple of 4 (One letter against one number). There are 2 letters between N and S. There are as many letters between E and N as between P and D. P is not against number 14. There are 5 letters between U and T. U is above T. I is written against number 6. (No letter is repeated any number)
1.Which is the second letter in word formed by letters against numbers 6, 12, 14, and 20? (D)
A) T
B) R
C) N
D) I
2.If there are 3 alphabets in English alphabetical series between alphabets written against numbers 10 and 22. Then how many alphabets in English alphabetical series are there between the alphabets written against numbers 18 and 22? (C)
A) Three
B) Five
C) One
D) Cannot be determined