In this simple trick we need to modify the equation and make the units digit zero. After all it is easy to multiply when units digit is zero.
For example – Find square of 43
= (43+3) × (43-3) + (3×3)
=(46×40) + 9
= (460×4) + 9
= 1840 + 9 = 1849
Vedic maths gave us the easiest method to do complex multiplications quickly. This method can be quickly explained with an example.
Multiplication with 5
Simply multiply the number by 10 and then divide it by 2.
For example 99×5= 990/2= 495
Multiplication with 4
Multiplication with 9
Multiplication with 6
Questions related to mixtures can be easily solved by alligation method. By using alligation we can wide arrange of maths questions. Let me explain this with a simple example
Price of wine of $60 per liter. If Samuel is adding water with and selling the mixture for $40 per liter. Profit margin remains same. What is the ratio of water and wine in the mixture.