1. Sum of three numbers is 126. Second number is twice the first number and third number is half of the first number. What is the second number? (4)
1) 36
2) 18
3) 54
5) None of these
2. A sum of money will become double in 3 years at compound interest. In what time will it become four times itself? (2)
1) 9 yrs
2) 6 yrs
3) 12 yrs
4) Can’t be determined
5) None of these
3. In how many different ways can the letter of the word MODULE be arranged? (4)
1) 360
2) 5040
3) 180
4) 720
5) None of these
4. A 250 m long train running at 72 kmph speed crosses a bridge in 19 sec. Find the length of the bridge. (3)
1) 150 m
2) 225 m
3) 130 m
4) 175 m
5) None of these
5. 12 men together can complete a work in 28 days. In how many days 21 men finish that work? (2)
1) 49 days
2) 16 days
3) 20 days
4) 18 days
5) None of these