1.macro(adjective): very large in scale
Synonyms: big, large
Antonyms: micro, small
Example Sentence: Macro died 2nd Feb. 1767, and was buried at Norton, near Bury.
2.magnetize(verb): to exert an attracting
Synonyms: allure, attract
Antonyms: dissuade, repel
Example Sentence: If it were used as a dynamo, where would it get the electric current to magnetise its field?
3.maim(verb): to deprive of the use of some part of the body by wounding
Synonyms: castrate, disable
Antonyms: aid, assist
Example Sentence: What if she maims and mutilates all the animals in her Noah’s Ark?
4.makeover(noun): a thorough course of beauty and cosmetic treatments
Synonyms: refashioning, remodeling
Antonyms: maintaining, preserving
Example Sentence: makeover from phrase makeover insense “to refashion” (the 1690s); from make + over.
5.marvel(noun): something that causes wonder, admiration,
Synonyms: genius, miracle
Antonyms: normality, expectation
Example Sentence: The wedding dress was a marvel of her own lovely embroidery.