Synonyms: ambiguous, fleeting
Antonyms: definite, honest
Example Sentence: The Committee will realize that this is a question with an elusive climax.
2.Elope(verb):to run
Synonyms: runoff, abscond
Antonyms: continue,face
Example Sentence: Goujet was an odd fellow, proposing to elope, just the way it happens in novels.
3.League(noun):a covenant
Antonyms: disunion, separation
Example Sentence: The Manifesto of that famous League was dated on the 16th May.
4.Revulsion(noun): a strong feeling
Antonyms: hatred, horror
Example Sentence: the revulsion from his high spirits, he was overwhelmed with despair.
5.Returnee(noun): a person who has returned.
Synonyms: lost lamb, Magdalen
Antonyms: Magdalen, penitent
Example Sentence: a person returning from overseas duty in the armed forces.