1.appeal(noun ): an earnest request for aid, support, sympathy, mercy, etc.
Synonyms: application,bid
Antonyms: answer,reply
Example Sentence: Which might be a glorious sort of tomb,but it did not appeal to me.
2.applique(noun ): an earnest request for aid, support, sympathy, mercy, etc.
Synonyms: color,design
Antonyms: plainness,eyesore
Example Sentence: Applique must be carefully and exactlydone, and is best worked in a frame.
3.appraise(verb ): to estimate the monetary value of
Synonyms: assess,audit
Antonyms: ignore,neglect
Example Sentence: We can now appraise the truemagnitude of the errors which have beenmade.
4.apt(adjective): inclined; disposed; given; prone
Synonyms: relevant,appropriate
Antonyms: improper,inappropriate
Example Sentence: Hop was English, and Englishmen areapt to call all saurians by this name.
5.arid(adjective): being without moisture
Synonyms: barren,bone-dry
Antonyms: fertile,productive
Example Sentence: The deputy tugged a minute at hismustache, searching his arid mind.