1. Which among following can be considered as most advanced ROM? (2)
(1) DRAM
(3) RAM
(4) PROM
2. One byte equals to how many bits? (2)
(1) 4 bits
(2) 8 bits
(3) 12 bits
(4) 16 bits
3. Which among following is Volatile? (4)
(1) ROM
(3) DROM
(4) RAM
4. Where the result of an arithmetic and logical operation are stored? (1)
(1) In Accumulator
(2) In cache Memory
(3) In ROM
(4) In Instruction Registry
5. Why we need to have secondary storage? (1)
(1) Store large volume of data that exceed the
capacity of main memory
(2) Perform arithmetic and logical operations
(3) to give power to the system too
(4) To help processor in processing